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Transboundary Animal Disease 3D Webinar Series

I recently conducted the last in a series of 7 weekly training modules focused on Depopulation, Disposal, and Decontamination (3D) best practices during African Swine Fever (ASF) outbreaks. Participants from a broad range of agencies within the Republic of the Philippines, Department of Agriculture, along with regional and local government officials, shared their experiences from the ongoing ASF outbreak and previous outbreaks of other transboundary animal diseases. We all enjoyed and benefited from the exchange of information!

The workshops were a collaboration between the United States Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Biological Threat Reduction Program (BTRP) and the Republic of the Philippines, Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry (DA, BAI). I was tremendously impressed by the professionalism and level of engagement of all participants and look forward to future engagements in the Philippines. While I prefer in-person training and would have loved the opportunity to travel to the Philippines and meet the participant, this virtual event was a great way to share information during the ongoing COVID outbreak.


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