Global Health Security&One Health
G.A. Flory Consulting LLC
Mohamed El Gazzar
Assistant Professor
Poultry Extension
Veterinarian Ohio
Ohio State University Extension
“I know a good teacher when I see one. I worked with Gary to provide an educational one day workshop about depopulation and disposal for poultry producers in the state. It was my first time working with him and I didn’t know what to expect, but the minute he started talking I knew we had a world-class expert. Gary’s knowledge and his hands-on expertise make him uniquely qualified to tackle any aspect of educating, training, or executing poultry depopulation and disposal.
No wonder he is a subject matter expert with USDA. In addition, you get his great sense of humor free of charge. I would highly recommend working with Gary for anything related to these topics.”
Joseph Hudyncia
Environmental Programs
N.C. Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! …for the training you helped us with yesterday. In my opinion, the Compost Management Team training was a huge success! The quality of the content you provided was outstanding! There is no doubt you have helped move our composting team forward in a very big way. During the day you also offered specific insights and recommendations that we will certainly use to improve our response planning.
Thanks again for taking time out of your busy schedules to be with us. We know your time is valuable and we are fortunate you could share some of your valuable knowledge and experiences with the group."
Dr. Michelle Colby
Branch Chief
Agricultural Defense
Department of Homeland Security
Science and Technology Directorate
Homeland Security Advanced Research and Projects Agency
"Specifically, we appreciate your assistance to modernize the 10-year-old Carcass Management Online Training Modules to help operators and responders make the best choices to control and contain the disease by conducting carcass management operations in a timely, safe, biosecure, aesthetically acceptable, and environmentally responsible manner.
It has been a pleasure working with you, and we want to acknowledge and thank you for the time, dedication, and expertise you have provided this program. These efforts could not have been accomplished without your support. We hope to work with you again, in the future!"
Dejelia Gómez
Avian Diseases Division
Avian influenza Coordinator
General Directorate of Livestock
Ministry of Agriculture
"Contar con el apoyo de personas experimentadas en medio del caos que representa un brote de influenza aviar resulta un gran alivio, es como encontrar paz en medio de la tormenta. Trabajar una emergencia sanitaria junto a un profesional del nivel de Gary Flory nos ofreció la oportunidad de afrontar el gran desafío de manejar correctamente altas mortalidades, disposición de carcasas y gallinaza. además de su esfuerzo en capacitar al equipo de veterinarios oficiales, del sector privado y a los avicultores en las técnicas de compostaje. Desde el primer momento que llegó al país, Gary fue uno más de nuestro equipo, y de él ganamos nuevos aprendizajes que contribuyen al control de las infecciones."
"Having the support of experienced people amid the chaos of an avian influenza outbreak is a great relief, it is like finding peace in the midst of a storm. Working on a health emergency together with a professional of Gary Flory's level offered us the opportunity to face the great challenge of correctly managing high mortalities, carcass disposition and chicken manure in addition to his effort in training the team of official veterinarians, the private sector and poultry farmers in the composting techniques. From the first moment he arrived in the country, Gary was one of our team, and from him we gained new lessons that contribute to infection control."
Dr. Ian Dacre
Regional Emergency Management Specialist (Animal Health)
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
"With the spread of African Swine Fever (ASF) through Asia recently, and with its imminent arrival in the Pacific, I have had the pleasure to work with Gary Flory as one of the world’s experts in livestock disposal and decontamination. Gary is the first to say he is not a vet and therefore defers to others on animal depopulation, however this belies his huge amount of experience in all these areas which together makes him an invaluable ‘3-D’ subject matter expert. In 2019 Gary and I worked together in Vietnam and Lao PDR, advising the governments there how they may approach the topic of 3-D if necessary in their country. Gary was also a team member of the mission to Cambodia. In all cases he was able to take his experiences from his work with the US government in these areas and was able to advise on practical solutions that would be more acceptable under regional and local conditions in Asia. I would not hesitate to work with Gary again or support his inclusion into any team where livestock disposal and decontamination are areas of interest or need."
Wayne Caldwell
Interim Associate Vice-President
Research Professor
School of Environmental Design and Rural Development
University of Guelph
"Thank you for your service as an expert scientific reviewer for the OMAFRA-UofG Partnership Research Program. The assessment of proposals in a fair and consistent manner is very important to the success of the program. Your expert opinion was critical to ensuring the most deserving candidates moved forward for this research funding opportunity. Again, many thanks for your invaluable contribution."
Lori Miller
Sr. Staff Officer | Environmental Engineer
United States Department of Agriculture
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service,
Veterinary Services Science, Technology and Analysis Services
"On behalf of the United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service in collaboration with the Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate, Homeland Security Advanced Research and Projects Agency and Cubic Global Defense, Inc., we would like to acknowledge and thank you for providing subject matter expertise on the APHIS online carcass management training modules. Your efforts are helping advance knowledge in the livestock production industry; thus helping to protect our nation's critical infrastructure and national economy."