Global Health Security&One Health

G.A. Flory Consulting LLC
Disease & Natural Disaster Response

African Swine Fever Research and Exercises
Throughout the United States
2022 – Present
Conducted nine research projects and exercises to improve the United States' preparedness for an outbreak of ASF. As the recipient of multiple grants from the National Pork Board managed and executed research projects focused on safe and effective carcass disposal methods including particle size reduction, compost turners, Shallow Burial with Carbon, and vector mitigation.
African Swine Fever Virus Inactivation Research in Vietnam
Country: Vietnam
August 2020 – Present
As the recipient of a grant from the National Pork Board, G.A. Flory Consulting is part of a team collaborating with the Vietnam National University of Agriculture to help U.S. pork producers collect data to improve African swine fever (ASF) outbreak response readiness and to help Vietnamese pork producers better respond to and recover from ongoing ASF outbreaks. To accomplish these goals, the team is conducting multiple research projects. The first two are designed to verify the effectiveness of both carcass composting and Shallow Burial with Carbon in inactivating the ASF virus. A third project is looking to assess the viability of ASFv in the deep burial environment and the final project is looking at the persistence of ASFv in swine slurry and surface water. All fieldwork will be conducted in Vietnam.
Mortality Management Training Schools
Montana, Missouri, Georgia, California, Alabama, Minnesota, Michigan, and Florida.
2023 - Present
Conducted 3 to 4-day training schools and the associated VIP training day to generate USDA-APHIS approved Composting Subject Matter Experts. Participants received classroom and extensive hands-on training on the use of composting and Shallow Burial with Carbon for the safe management of carcasses from animal disease outbreaks.
Feasibility Study for Safe and Effective Carcass Disposal
Countries: Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Timor Leste, Philippines, Papua New Guinea
March 2021 – January 2024
The failure to responsibly manage animal carcasses can negatively impact human, animal, and environmental health. The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) contracted with G.A. Flory Consulting to conduct a feasibility study for safe and effective carcass disposal in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Timor Leste, the Philippines, and Papua New Guinea. The project included the development of a work plan and project methodology, identification and engagement with stakeholders, and the preparation of country-specific feasibility studies.
Development of Animal Disease Management Plans
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
May 2022 – January 2024
Update existing animal disease response plans and develop new plans to support the Commonwealth’s response to outbreaks of African Swine Fever, Foot and Mouth Disease, Classic Swine Fever, and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza.
Workshop on Wildlife Carcass Management
Country: Côte d'Ivoire
August 2023
In support of the United States Agency for International Development, conducted workshops on wildlife carcass management for central and regional government veterinary services staff. Additionally, conducted hands-on training on carcass management for animal disease response personnel. The training was designed to address the risk of disease transmission and environmental impacts from the mismanagement of animal carcasses and the threat of human transmission of zoonotic diseases such as Ebola and anthrax. Upon completion of the weeklong training program, developed national guidelines for the management of wildlife carcasses.
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Consultations
Countries: Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Uruguay, and Bolivia
December 2022 – August 2023
At the request of the Pan-American Health Organization, conducted individual virtual consultations for the Ministries of Agriculture of four South American countries to support their efforts to respond to outbreaks of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza. The consultations focused on current, regionally appropriate methods for depopulating and disposing of HPAI-infected poultry. To follow up on these virtual consultations, Gary conducted a week-long workshop in Brazil for representatives from the Veterinary Services of twelve Latin American countries.
One Health Strategy Development Workshop
Country: Cambodia
May 2022
G.A. Flory Consulting led a week-long One Health Strategy Development Workshop for Heifer International. At the end of the workshop, country office teams from Cambodia, India, Bangladesh, and Nepal had each developed One Health Action Plans with dozens of concrete actions to integrate One Health concepts into core program activities.
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Response
Country: United States—Indiana, Iowa, Pennsylvania, California, and Tennessee
February 2022 – January 2023
At the request of the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS) G.A. Flory Consulting deployed to Indiana, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and California to help manage an outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (LPAI) impacting the commercial turkey, chicken, and duck operations. G.A. Flory Consulting worked with more than a dozen farms to manage the disposal of infected carcasses, feed, and poultry litter. G.A. Flory Consulting’s support enabled the impacted poultry farms to efficiently manage their mortality and return to production.
Depopulation, Disposal, and Decontamination (3D) Training Series
Country: Philippines
July 2020 – March 2022
Ongoing outbreaks of African Swine Fever are causing significant challenges for Philippine farmers and government responders. To help address these challenges in a time when the COVID-19 pandemic prevents in-person training, G.A. Flory Consulting is conducting a series of DTRA-BTRP sponsored virtual training programs to improve approaches to carcass management and on-site biosecurity practices at affected backyard and commercial farms. Topics for discussion include the role of biosecurity, depopulation, disposal, and decontamination in an animal disease response, and current biosecurity, depopulation, decontamination, and carcass disposal methods to mitigate transmission of infection.
ASF Consultation with India: Depopulation, Disposal, and Decontamination
Country: India
May 2020
In May 2020, India reported its first cases of African Swine Fever (ASF) in both domestic and wild pigs. In support of Indian animal health officials managing the outbreaks in the two north-eastern states of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, G.A. Flory Consulting provided a consultation highlighting best practices for an effective response. The consultation focused on the efficient and humane depopulation of infected animals, environmentally sound carcass disposal, and effective facility decontamination practices.
FAO Emergency Management Centre for Animal Health (EMCAH) Emergency:
Response Mission for African Swine Fever
Kingdom of Cambodia
May – June 2019
At the request of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture (NCDA), the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA – APHIS) deployed G.A. Flory Consulting to North Carolina to help manage an outbreak of Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza (LPAI) impacting the commercial poultry industry. G.A. Flory Consulting worked with eleven farms to manage the disposal of infected carcasses, feed, and poultry litter. All infected material was composting within the impacted poultry houses to increase biosecurity and limit any potential environmental impact from rain events.
While in North Carolina, USDA – APHIS requested additional assistance managing outbreaks of LPAI and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in South Carolina. Team members supported South Carolina’s efforts to eradicate avian influenza on two farms. G.A. Flory Consulting’s support enabled the impacted poultry farms in both North and South Carolina to efficiently manage their mortality and return to production.
FAO Emergency Management Centre for Animal Health (EMC AH):
Emergency Alert Mission for African Swine Fever
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
May – June 2019
The FAO Emergency Management Centre for Animal Health (EMC-AH), in collaboration with the FAO Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD) Asia and Pacific teams, and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), conducted an emergency alert mission to the Lao People's Democratic Republic to enhance the operational readiness and ability to detect and respond early to African swine fever (ASF) outbreaks. G.A. Flory served as carcass disposal and decontamination.
Subject Matter Expert for the mission.
FAO Emergency Management Centre for Animal Health (EMC-AH):
Emergency Response Mission for African Swine Fever
March – April 2019
The FAO Emergency Management Centre for Animal Health (EMC-AH), in collaboration with the FAO Emergency Center for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD) Asia and Pacific teams, and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE),
conducted an emergency response mission to Vietnam to support the Government’s response to African swine fever outbreaks and/or suspect epidemiological situations. G.A. Flory served as a depopulation, disposal, and decontamination Subject Matter Expert for the mission.
Avian Influenza Emergency Composting Consultation
Dominican Republic
January – February 2019
At the request of the Dominican Poultry Association and the Ministry of Agriculture, G.A. Flory Consulting deployed to the Dominican Republic to provide emergency carcass composting support during an ongoing avian influenza outbreak. Services provided included advising on the construction and maintenance of compost piles, monitoring windrow temperatures, troubleshooting the composting process, and providing suggestions for improvement. Additionally, G.A. Flory Consulting
provided capacity building training to farmers, industry representatives, and Government officials.
Avian Influenza Emergency Composting Consultation
Dominican Republic
January 2018
At the request of the Dominican Poultry Association and the Ministry of Agriculture, G.A. Flory Consulting deployed to the Dominican Republic to provide emergency carcass composting support during an ongoing avian influenza outbreak. Services provided included advising on the construction and maintenance of compost piles, monitoring windrow temperatures, troubleshooting the composting process, and providing suggestions for improvement. Additionally, G.A. Flory Consulting provided capacity building training to farmers, industry representatives, and Government officials.
Agricultural Emergency Planning

ASF Consultation with India:
Depopulation, Disposal, & Decontamination
May 2020
In May 2020, India reported its first cases of African Swine Fever (ASF) in both domestic and wild pigs. In support of Indian animal health officials managing the outbreaks in the two north-eastern states of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, G.A. Flory Consulting provided a consultation highlighting best practices for an effective response. The consultation focused on the efficient and humane depopulation of infected animals, environmentally sound carcass disposal, and effective facility decontamination practices.
African Swine Fever Workshop
October 2018
The United States Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Cooperative Threat Reduction program sponsored an African Swine Fever (ASF) workshop for officials of the Government of Ukraine together with farmers and veterinarians to learn about animal depopulation and disposal, breakdowns in farm biosecurity, and measures to identify readily implementable solutions to fill those gaps. The workshop also included visiting government animal health professionals from Romania, Moldova, and Lithuania who are responsible for ASF response in their respective countries. G.A. Flory Consulting served as an animal mortality management Subject Matter Expert for this workshop held in Lviv, Ukraine.
Animal Mortality Management Consultation
South Korea
June 2018
In support of the Government’s efforts to address groundwater contamination from the disposal of carcasses during previous outbreaks of foot and mouth disease and avian influenza, G.A. Flory Consulting conducted a seminar on animal mortality management for the staff of the Korean National Institute of Environmental Research in Seoul, Korea. Additionally, G.A. Flory Consulting presented on composting and Above Ground Burial during animal disease outbreaks at the 2nd International Conference on Bio-resources, Energy, Environment, and Materials Technology in Gangwon Province, Korea
Azerbaijan Avian Influenza Table Top Exercise
May 2016
The United States Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Cooperative Threat Reduction program sponsored a Table Top Exercise (TTX) to raise awareness of biological threats, enhance multi-sectorial coordination, and promote the adoption of One Health approaches to biological emergency responses. G.A. Flory Consulting served as a Depopulation, Disposal, and Decontamination (3D) Subject Matter Expert for the TTX held in Shabran, Azerbaijan
Depopulation, Disposal, and Decontamination (3D) Training Series
July 2020 – November 2020
Ongoing outbreaks of African Swine Fever (ASF) are causing significant challenges for Philippine farmers and government responders. To help address these challenges in a time when the COVID-19 pandemic prevents in-person training, G.A. Flory Consulting conducted a series of virtual training to support an effective response to ASF outbreaks at the backyard and commercial farms. The training program consisted of seven 2-hour training sessions held between September and October 2020.
The training program was a collaborative effort between the United States Defense Threat Reduction Agency and the Philippines Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry. Topics for discussion included the role of biosecurity, depopulation, disposal, and decontamination in an animal disease response, and current biosecurity, depopulation, decontamination, and carcass disposal methods to mitigate transmission of infection. Training participants are now better prepared to respond to additional ASF outbreaks and are working to develop Standard Operating Procedures incorporating techniques taught during the training sessions.
Emergency Response Training

ASF Response in Vietnam:
Phase I Train-the-Trainer and 3D Response Personnel Training
July 2019
To support the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development’s response to ongoing outbreaks of African Swine Fever in Vietnam, G.A. Flory Consulting leads a team of Depopulation, Disposal, and Decontamination (3D) Subject Matter Experts on a series of field visits and meetings with the National, Provincial and District level animal health officials. At the conclusion of the field activities, the team presented Vietnamese officials with a seminar outlining opportunities for improvement and a plan for Phase II of the train-the-training workshops.
2nd Biorisk Management Symposium of the Middle East & North Africa:
(MENA) Regional Network
March – April 2019
The 2nd Biorisk Management Symposium of the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) Regional Network aimed to strengthen and enhance biorisk management in the region through two days of interactive workshops and two days of technical presentations. G.A. Flory Consulting conducted a 2-day workshop on agro-terrorism and zoonotic disease response and delivered a plenary presentation during the symposium. The event was held in Tunis, Tunisia.
Agricultural Research Projects

African Swine Fever Virus Inactivation Research in Vietnam
August 2020 – Present
As the recipient of a grant from the National Pork Board, G.A. Flory Consulting is part of a team collaborating with the Vietnam National University of Agriculture to help U.S. pork producers collect data to improve African swine fever (ASF) outbreak response readiness and to help Vietnamese pork producers better respond to and recover from ongoing ASF outbreaks. To accomplish these goals, the team is conducting two distinct research projects. The first aims to verify the effectiveness of carcass composting to inactivate the ASF virus. The second is to evaluate the persistence of ASFv in swine slurry stored in lagoons and digesters. All fieldwork will be conducted in Vietnam.
New Approaches to Managing Carcasses
During an African Swine Fever Outbreak
United States
December 2018 – September 2019
As African Swine Fever (ASF) continues to devastate the swine industry in Asia and Europe, the United States is working to improve its capacity to respond quickly to any future ASF detections within its borders. G.A. Flory Consulting was part of the team working to develop new methods for the disposal of swine carcasses during outbreaks of African Swine Fever. Composting has been used extensively in recent years to manage poultry mortality during disease outbreaks and flooding events. Composting swine poses additional challenges due to the size of the animals and the time needed to compost their larger carcasses. To address these challenges, our project team has been working with a new method that involves grinding carcasses with carbon material prior to composting.
The project included a proof-of-concept demonstration project in Virginia and three operational scale projects in North Carolina and culminated in a 4-day training program for the swine industry. In addition to grinding and composting, disposal methods evaluated included composting whole animals, Above Ground Burial of whole carcasses, and Above Ground Burial of ground carcasses. Lessons learned from the project supported the national response to the 2020 COVID-19 supply chain disruption crisis.